Barcoded Biochemistry & Pathology Labels

Sequentially numbered labels
Label Makers have been producing sequentially numbered and variable data barcode labels digitally for almost 20 years. We have supplied hospitals and pathology departments across Australia for most of that time with their pathology barcode labels, so we understand your needs and expectations.
All of our pathology labels and barcodes are subject to rigorous testing to ensure they meet the ANSI standard for barcode printing. We use highly specialised and calibrated barcode verifiers to measure each element within the barcode for printing defects, bar gain, contrast and decodability. Our verifiers are calibrated each month and conform to the ISO/IEC15426-1/15426-2 standard.
Our pathology barcode labels can be produced in any format with any number of colours on them. We produce multi part barcode pathology labels that come with coloured backgrounds, stripes, logos, and borders. Our barcode pathology labels can be produced using any format of barcode that you would like. The most common format for pathology labs are either the Code39 barcodes, or Code128. We are also able to build your own algorithm in to the barcodes to produce check digits suited to your own pathology label scanning and collection systems.

Sequentially numbered barcodes
We supply barcode labels like these in to a wide and varied client base, and because we are custom manufacturers we are able to produce the pathology labels exactly to your specification, with any combination of colours, on rolls or in sheets, with zero variations.
Contact us today to discuss how we can help you with your pathology label requirements.